This Berry-Green Tea Smoothie recipe is our new favorite way to wake up. This delicious drink is bursting with...
There’s nothing better than a cozy bowl of comforting soup during the cold winter months. These mouthwatering soups have...
Name: Dr. Darshan Gender: Male Age: 29 Profession: Gynaecologist Before HealthifyMe I was always overweight, even while growing up....
Physician Michael R. Eades and his wife, Mary Dan Eades, created protein power. The protein power diet is predicated...
Skinny is in. In an era where the allure of being “skinny” is often glorified in social media and...
I recently found myself lamenting to a friend about how all of my jeans were too tight. “I really...
With more people turning to vegetarianism, veganism and plant-based diets, and a renewed interest in high-protein diets, soya chunks...
Turmeric or Curcuma longa is a traditionally important spice. It has been a staple of Ayurvedic medicine for thousands...
Emotional eating is a typical response to stress, in which food becomes a source of solace rather than sustenance....
These Turmeric Chicken & Avocado Wraps are a flavor-packed lunch perfect for keeping inflammation at bay. Golden-yellow turmeric adds...